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Change Your Clothes: Apparel End Life 

Everyday we wake up in North Carolina we are reminded why we love this state so much! Not only are we fortunate enough to have some of the best univiersities in the country, but we're also surrounded by a community of individuals who care. It's nice to know that the conversation surrounding the fashion and textile industry is expanding beyond fashion schools and into management systems. 
Our friends from Duke University, Nicholas School of the Environment shared their phenomenal study textile waste in the United States and describe how/why to divert textiles from ending up in a landfill. In the process of conducting their research they found out that several major companies have started taking responsibility for the disposal of their products: 
  • Several retailers have or are going to launch apparel take-back programs—Patagonia (through in-store drop boxes for used Patagonia products, which are then recycled), H&M (starting February, in-store drop boxes), PUMA (in the future). 
  • Many major brands are selling clothes with recycled content--North Face (e.g., Denali fleece jacket), Patagonia, REI (e.g., Ecomade socks), New Balance (e.g., newSKY shoes), and many more. 
  • UNIFI Inc., is one of the main producers of yarn from recycled plastic bottles. Other sources of recycled polyester are Teijin (Japan), Foss Manufacturing (MA), Poole Co. (SC), and DAK Americas (NC).
Take a look at this short educational video and gain more insight about how you can make a difference and reduce apparel & textile waste throughout the world. 

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