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Entries in reupholstering (1)



Here at Redress Raleigh we're always keeping our eyes open for new and innovative projects that focus on upcycling discarded textile goods - though we often emphasize eco-fashion, we are excited to introduce you to some new eco-furniture!

"Pre-loved and can be re-loved" according to Linda and Jona Netsman, founders and designers of the emerging furniture company, Design by LEFTOVERS, which has been receiving increased attention for the beautiful works of art the two designers create. Located in Stockholm, Sweden Linda and Jona reupholster furniture with pre-loved fabrics so the furniture and the fabric may be re-loved by new owners. Linda and Jona believe "that the old, discarded and forgoton can be reborn; everything has a story to tell" and therefore they take pride in re-loving items that have been given away. Currently Design by LEFTOVERS works with professional interior decorators, architects, and designers. They are even expanding their line for hotels, restaurants, and retail spaces. We are looking forward to their upcoming 2012 collection which debutes in February at the Stockholm Furniture Fair. 

Below are just a couple of pictures from their initial collection: 

Charlotte 2Vera