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« Funk, Soul, & 70's Dance Party | Main | 2011 Redress Market »

Swap, Don't Shop! 

The purpose of the clothing swap party is to bring unwanted items taking up space in your closet and drawers and leave with bags of wonderful new styles!

** $3 admission for unlimited take-home goodies!
** Bring Your Own Bag to take home your awesome steals.
** No housewares, but shoes and accessories are good.

2:30 - 3pm set-up (bring clothing at this time)
3 - 5 swap free for all!! 

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Reader Comments (1)

I think it's a great idea to clean your closet. We often end up buying things that we kinda wonder "why did I buy this in the first place?" I mean really, did I need that purple / pink thing? The salesman of course said "YES! You absolutely must...must have it!!" So it sat in my closet ever since, I even tried to pass it on to my kids, but found itself working it's way back into my wardrobe for Fathers day.
So I think, having an event centred around swapping clothing is a great way to find a home and a replacement for that Blue polka dot thing that I so desperately need. My kids are going to love me.

April 18, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterSadru

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