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PechaKucha Raleigh #13 at Architect Bar and Social House

Beth Stewart -- The skinny on trashing textiles


Redress Raleigh on Figure This? 

"Something extraordinary will be taking place in 4 days.  It’s Redress Raleigh 2012 fashion show at the Contemporary Art Museum CAM Raleigh on Friday, April 20th at 8pm.  “Redress Raleigh enhances people’s understanding of eco-fashion and empowers them with relevant skills that will revolutionize the fashion industry”.   I’ve heard about this show for the past couple of years and I was never able to attend.  So I’m excited to be attending the show this year" 

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Interview with NBC

One of our co-producers, Beth Stewart, gives NBC 17 a sneak peek at looks from the 2012 Eco-fashion Show! Make sure to check out all our designer's online and at our Planet Earth Celebration booth to purchase items from the runway.


Redress Raleigh Featured in Downtowner's "Going Green" Issue

The Raleigh Downtowner feautured Redress Raleigh on page four of its 5th annual Going Green Issue. 


Recap: Redress Raleigh Fashion Show 2011

By Li Sashay

This past weekend I had a wonderful time at the Raleigh Redress Fashion Show in downtown. Participants create clothing lines from recycled or re-purposed items. I really was not sure what to expect when I arrived and I must say overall, I was very impressed with the level of creativity and energy of the show. It's always fun to see other designers out there and see what ideas people are dreaming up. There were a number of ideas and concepts that really pushed the edges in ways I didn't expect. The seating was great, the stage was lovely, and 50% of all profits went back to the local community. You could really see the love, time, and effort the creators had put into making this show a success.

See pictures and read the rest of the story here