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Independent Weekly Promotes Redress

"Green, sustainable fashion is so hot right now. But residents of the Triangle don’t have to jet to New York or Los Angeles to see it (which is good, since the goal is to reduce the carbon footprint). This weekend, they can head into downtown Raleigh to see local eco-friendly fashion..."

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Green Building Council Recaps 2010 Show

"The second annual Redress Raleigh highlighted innovative concepts from local designers whose collections consider the human impact of fashion on our environment. Through the use of organic dyes and fabrics, unused scraps from fabric and home furnishing stores, or deconstruction of existing clothing, fifteen designers unveiled their interpretations of reinventing the fashion world at 7 pm on April 17th at Flanders Art Gallery in downtown Raleigh..." 

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Cory Livengood Documents 2010 Benefit Show


PBR Sponsers 2010 Redress Events

"Pabst Blue Ribbon is a proud sponsor of the NC Redress Raleigh Eco-fashion Show..."

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Redress Raleigh on 88.1 WKNC

"...Redress Raleigh is an ecologically conscious and forward thinking fashion show that challenges designers to think about impact on the environment in the development of their concept. Redress aims to showcase eco-friendly designers with accessible and innovative collections as well as showing that “green” is in all aspects of life, including fashion..."

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